Here we go!
test te4st
test te4st
Hack Club is a worldwide nonprofit program that brings together hundreds of thousands of young people from diverse backgrounds who love to build and make projects with technology, art, and creativity.
In this episode of Make:cast, I talk to Chad Orcutt, the creator of Community Shop Class in the Oak Park neighborhood of Sacramento, California. What started out as the ADHD Inventor’s Club in his garage grew into a new space, unlike any makerspace I’ve seen. He saw the space as way to help people, particularly neurodivergent […]
Joshua Howard is a carpenter by trade. He spends his time and expertise every day building spectacular custom homes. He creates precise and immaculate details on a very large scale. Which makes it all the more charming that he scratches his creative itch making quick and lively driftwood wreaths, of which no two are ever […]
Branch out from the slicer software bundled with your machine and get better prints every time.
Each year in Portland, Oregon, hackers, artists, and enthusiasts congregate at the behest of open-source crowdfunding platform Crowd Supply. This year’s event is a particular cause for excitement for me, a) because I’m attending and b) because they have handed the reins to my friend Helen Leigh, which implies a smashing good time will be […]
Build an illuminated, animated, tessellated tote using LED pebble lights and 3D-printed fabric.