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Build a DIY Digital Clock With Glowing, Flowing Light Pipes
Build a colorful clock using light pipes that is easy and fast to make

This Zodiac Embroidery Lights Up
What’s your star sign? Stitch your favorite constellation and light it up for all to see

Corsi Box Air Purifier: Join the Air Movement!
Build your own “Corsi box” air purifiers to battle viruses, wildfire smoke, and indoor air pollution

Cardboard Box Eclipse Viewer
Make a portable pinhole projector from household stuff to safely watch solar eclipses

Mini Infinity Cube
It’s a star-filled universe — in your pocket!

Sew Wearable Soft Speakers
We’re going to explore ways to make audio speakers more wearable — not by sewing ordinary hard speakers into garments, but by creating new kinds of speakers out of textiles and conductive thread.

King of the Ring of Fire
Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha‘apai is a giant volcano under the South Pacific Ocean, 3,000km (1,860mi) east of Australia.

Bright Lights, Big TV – DIY Ambient Lights
Televisions these days are technological marvels — absolutely massive yet paper-thin screens with crystal-clear 4K (or better) resolution, up to 120Hz refresh rates, high dynamic range (HDR) color and luminance, and other features that turn living rooms into amazing personal theaters.

ORB-sessed – LED Sphere
“Squaring the circle” is a mathematical challenge as old as geometry itself. The “Cube Orb” LED sphere inverts that goal and takes it to a new dimension.

Christiaan Huygens and the Pendulum Clock
The Scientific Revolution was a momentous time. Most historians of science agree that during this era — 1500 to 1700 CE — people started thinking differently, more scientifically, about the way the world worked.

Build Your First Combat Bot!
Want to build your own battle robot?

3D printed fractal vise
If you were on YouTube in June 2021, there’s a good chance you were recommended the video “Rare Antique Fractal Vise [Restoration]” by Hand Tool Rescue. The video showed a unique vise patented in 1913, and for most of us, it was like nothing we had ever seen (below).